
Meet Soph

From the age one can start finger painting, you could find me creating: drawing, making homemade doll clothes, building everythingunderthesun out of popsicle sticks, writing poetry and short stories, making up songs, creating plays, remaking Martha Stewart shows, making homemade gifts, and painting. Art is in my blood.

Creating today looks a little bit different, but follows a similar theme. While I am no longer making doll clothes or putting on magic shows, my art has taken many twists and turns as my ever-busy Gemini-mind becomes restless and, frankly, bored. From paintings to Instagram art tutorials to wood burning to jewelry to creating custom bags boards…my creative endeavors are ever-changing.

My hope is to share my passion for creating with others and spread the love and appreciation for art that I think it so rightly deserves. We are all born creatives—-a notion I stand by—- and my work serves as just one example of that.